Friday, July 13, 2012
I bet I couldn't even GIVE my house away at this point.
Let's see - any takers?
Monday, July 9, 2012
Police Academy (and no, not the movie)
Tonight I attended a neighborhood association meeting about improving the business districts in our corner of the city. I had a blast. We had the opportunity to draw on massive maps of the 'hood and point out the good and, in more cases than not, the not so good. The spot with the most "not good" notations, you ask? The infamous Family Pantry (no surprise there.)!
While there, our community organizer told me about an opportunity she believes to be right up my alley: Citizen Police Academy.
This is a ten week program (talk about hard core) where "citizens" (me!) will learn about topics such as:
-Crime mapping/analysis (you know how I love my daily crime alert emails!)
-Crime scenes / forensics (I can see it now, "CSI Grand Rapids")
-Patrol Operations (I already do Mobile Watch, why not make it more official?)
-Use of Force (I'm envisioning the tazer scene in "The Hangover.")
-Traffic stops (I drive like a bat out of hell through this city - only good can come from this!)
True! Each participant will be given the opportunity to ride with an officer for one shift (mine better be cute, in his 30s and single).
Now, they don't just let any old schlep off the street do this. You have to, well, not be a criminal (check), must be at least 21 (check plus, plus, plus) and you need to apply and have good references. Both of my community organizers already offered to be my references so I thinking I'm in.
Later this evening, a board member sent me a text telling me I MUST apply so I told her I plan to and she offered to be a reference. She happens to be the manager of a Walgreen's in a most unfortunate location in our 'hood so she has the po po on speed dial and they are tight!
To cap off my night, my favorite gun toting octogenarian Gerri called me. She caught wind that I want to do the academy. She has done it before and wants a refresher (If you ask me think she's trolling for a hot, young cop and is looking to sharpen her shooting skills at the same time). She is thrilled I want to do this so she's "putting in a call" for me tomorrow.
So, yeah, hate to sound cocky but...I've got this. I am so going to be in the next Citizen Academy class. My crime fighting career continues (I know, you too wish you lived in a crime infested neighborhood so you could have such opportunities. Not everyone is as lucky as I am.)!
And, who knows, maybe I'll get to do my ride-a-long with a real life Robert Scorpio!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
West Coast Jen the Third? (Or how I said "No" to Ricki Lake)
My job has put me on local TV from time to time but nothing like this.
A staff person from the Ricki Lake show contacted me after stumbling across the blog. No joke! I edited the email address and phone number but here's the message:
Hi There, Jen!
I'm messaging you from the Ricki Lake Show office in Los Angeles. I stumbled across your blog, and thought you might be a good fit in a segment we are working on. We are looking for a single woman who doesn't necessarily want to change up a lifestyle of certain luxuries- going out with friends, mani/pedis, shopping, Starbucks etc... But still sweats it out until the next paycheck. I'd love to talk to you more about it if you have a few moments today. I can be reached via e-mail at or on the office line: 310.XXX.XXXX.
Thanks so much! Hope to hear from you soon!
Ricki's staff person is on it - I do fit the bill. However, taking my single, broke and not so fabulous life on a national talk show is not my style. Though it would have been super fun (who doesn't love Ricki Lake?? "Hairspray" was amazing!)! Then again, I would have been in L.A. and could have found Cali Jen (and Cali Jen #2 for that matter). I mean, if I found Beyonce for Wiggy in NYC, finding a non celebrity with my name should be a breeze, right?
Ah, c'est la vie. It would have been fun. Crap. Now I'm wondering if Ricki would have given me some free Kate Spade swag or something.
I'm still thinking if I'm going to go for TV, I'm totally going for "The Price Is Right." Occasionally they give away Kate Spade luggage and go along with a fabulous trip somewhere. Heaven knows I am in desperate need of a real vacation!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Will the real Jen please stand up?
After a lull the emails are back!
Remember Emma? Well, I recived a link to Emma's first ballet recital! There she is! She is much younger than I imagined and she looks harmless - not like a child who needs an entire "team" but what do I know?
Watching the video I had to wonder, was the whole clan there? Team Emma, Jen, Leslie, Brad? Maybe Stephanie? Clearly Brad was there because he filmed it. Where was Jen? If this is her daughter was she there or was this some way of throwing it in her face that she wasn't there? This inquiring mind wants to know (clearly I have a lot of time on my hands this week).
By now I know the key players in Cali Jen's life - Brad, Leslie, Emma, etc. but who the hell is Naama?
This is new.
Naama is meeting with Cali Jen, Brad and Leslie and someone named Sherri. I'm thinking Naama works at Emma's school based on her email address. However, she and Jen must be tight because today she sent Cali Jen an email with the subject: Fwd: great yoga pose (see below).
- Calming the mind and alleviating stress and mild depression
- Stimulating abdominal organs, lungs and thyroid
- Rejuvenating tired legs
- Improving digestion
- Relieving the symptoms of menopause
- Reducing anxiety, fatigue, backache, headache and insomnia
So, I decided to Google Cali Jen once again. Last time I did this I think I figured out what she does and where she lives. This time I found a person with the same first and last name who works where Naama works - totally different background. Could it be...a third Jen? No, no way. So, maybe Jen is on Team Emma has a teacher and not as her parent. This may explain who Lucy is....maybe Lucy is Cali Jen's daughter? Or Cali Jen #2's daughter?
Based on my Googling (or as Wiggy would call it my "white girl stalking skills) I am convinced there are two Cali Jens with my name. And somehow, both are connected.
If Jen works with Naama, why would Naama email her a yoga pose at her (my) Gmail address? Why not just send it to the work account?
Between the vision therapy, yoga, Neruo Fit, the NBC affiliate (and did I mention Brad apparently works in Beverly Hills?) this is all feeling very Hollywood.
Especially for a girl on staycation sitting on her couch watching a "Pretty Little Liars" marathon to beat the heat. Then again, I always love a good soap opera and this certainly feels like one.