Friday, March 19, 2010

...and then there were three

I never should have signed up for those crime alerts.

Two more homes on my block have been burglarized. That's a total of three homes on one block in five days. Two of the break-ins happened in broad day light!

I feel absolutely sick.

I know crime happens everywhere - but why is my block ground zero for this current crime spree?

What upsets me most is that I haven't seen the police step up their presence on my street. Also, shouldn't there be some sort of crime alert sent to people on my block? Had I not signed up on I never would have known. What about people (like my crabby next door neighbors) who don't have Internet? (Don't worry - I told them what's going on).

After sharing my woes with friends today I received some advice - some good, some bad. Advice included:
-Get a gun (see "Jenny get your gun" for my thoughts on that)
-Go to Meijer (local grocery/supercenter) and "buy a home security system sign" (like they sell those there)
-Steal the home security system sign from a neighbor's house
-Put a video camera up outside the house (won't it just get stolen?) so potential burglars think I am videotaping them

I don't know that any of these will work for me, but I definitely appreciate the advice!

Monday I end my nearly ten year boycott of Missouri (I will definitely blog about this!!!), so I have to tell you I am getting really nervous about being away from home. Visions of Suzanne Sugarbaker and her guns dancing in my head are slowly morphing in to Kevin from Home Alone.

Yes, I think I could totally Home Alone this place out! Burglars - watch out!

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