Monday, June 14, 2010

An emergency on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part

If f**king children are throwing firecrackers at your home late at night in the city of Grand Rapids you just have to suck it up and deal with it.

This is the lesson I learned tonight.

For the second time in three nights blazing firecrackers have been hurled at my home by pre-pubescent hooligans.

I called the non-emergency number for my city's police department tonight because I feel like twice in three nights is starting a trend I don't want to see continue, and when they didn't answer I got pissed and called 911.

So sue me.

I was told to call the non-emergency number by 911. You know, the number that no one answers.

Bull shit.

I know this isn't an "emergency" but I am angry. I yelled out the window at these 'hood rats and guess what? It did no good. They simply started tossing firecrackers at the house next door. They are not afraid of me. Clearly I need someone with a badge and a gun for backup (totally pondering a gun purchase again). Where are the parents of these children? Why do these little effers, who appear to be under the age of 13, even have access to incendiary devices?!? I just don't understand.

Right now those boring old suburbs aren't looking so bad...

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