Monday, August 30, 2010

These are the people in my neighborhood: Summer edition

Though summer is winding down here in West Michigan, there are still plenty of outdoor events to attend around town. For example, last weekend I ran a 5k sponsored by a local television station. Two of the TV personalities ran the race and the lead weatherman for the station sort of walked it - I mean, he had a number and everything but was dressed in Dockers and a button up shirt - not exactly what one would run in. Anyway, the day had two highlights. First, I set a "PR" or a "personal record" for myself (I would post the time, but if you are a runner you would spit out your Diet Coke because the time is nothing to brag about, trust me). Second, when I saw random woman in a long denim skirt (again, what's with the attire at the 5k?) sneaking to take a photo of the weatherman and acting like she was stalking George Clooney or something. It was nuts. I mean, he's the weatherman. And he's old. You could tell she was totally star struck.

I also recently attended a little festival in my neighborhood I lovingly call "Crackfest." The reason? It took place in an area where a lot of arrests have been made (according to the crime alerts I receive from my local police department) for selling / possessing crack. Yes, crack. As in "crack is wack" crack. Not cocaine - crack. Awesome. Crack always attracts quality. And I just love that I can take a five block stroll through my neighborhood to secure some.

Crackfest was what I expected and more.

This woman dressed and acted like she was on crack. So I know where she bought the crack but where did she find that outfit?

And this unfortunate fellow...they were too close to get a good picture of him. Focus your attention to that bulge of flesh above the shoulder of the woman in the blue T-shirt there on the right. This big, fat slob of a man was walking around with his pants and boxers positioned well below his love handles and was shirtless. His "moobs" (man boobs) really just looked like boobs. It was just vile. If a woman walked around like that she would be totally scrutinized. This man was with a rag tag crew that included that lovely smoker lady on the left and several children, including the one in the arms of lady in blue. Made me sad for the children who are surrounded by adults like these.

I know...there I go being all judgy again! What should I expect living five blocks from the crack capitol of West Michigan, right? It goes with the territory. What can I say? Crack is wack!

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