Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Crazy Mary" back in action

Since some of you are fans of the "Crazy Mary" updates I have a few tidbits to share:

First and foremost, Sunday night around 11:30 PM she was blowing what sounded like a plastic whistle. This went on for about a half an hour. There was some yelling intertwined with the whistle-blowing. It was special as you can imagine...I mean, why wouldn't I want to listen to that on a Sunday night in preparation for a work week rather than, say, sleep?

So I wake up Monday morning for work after finally falling asleep despite the whistling, enter the bathroom and hear her screaming and yelling downstairs....I arrive home around 5:30, enter the bathroom and hear her screaming. I go out for the evening and arrive back around 11 pm. Head to the bathroom to wash my face and what do I hear? More screaming/yelling!

Crazy Mary clearly: A.) Does not sleep, B.) Does not have a job, C.) Must have a sore throat from yelling/screaming, D.) all of the above. So I am wondering if she just screamed/yelled for like 18 hours straight? She yells words but they make no sense...maybe she's possessed by the devil like Marlena was on Days of Our Lives?

 Great, if my building burns down I am going to be really angry....

Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Crazy Mary" update

Life has returned to Grand Rapids thanks to Mother Nature. With the weather warming and snow melting, people are finally coming out of hibernation.

This includes Crazy Mary. She emerged Saturday to clean the melting snow off her car, which has not moved for weeks. By the way, it has two stickers: one that says "VERMONT" and the other that says something to the effect of "proud teacher." No worries, my teacher friends, Crazy Mary is clearly dillusional and just wants to be one of you.

The house next door is getting a new roof, so Crazy Mary was standing in awe of the workmen on the roof of the house while I stood in awe of seeing her in daylight. I watched her as she looked down, saw a piece of newspaper on the ground, picked it up, walked to the dumpster where she proceeded to jump in and dig through the dumpster. She started frantically ripping in to garbage bags. At that point I picked my jaw up off the ground, hopped in my car and made a speedy getaway. Stay tuned, friends. I am sure spring will bring many new Crazy Mary stories!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Maybe I'm Crazy...

Well, not me, my neighbor. I have a crazy neighbor. I live in the city (even though it is just downtown Grand Rapids it still has its share of crazies) so I expect to hear noise, people, emergency vehicles, etc. and I am totally OK with that. What I am not OK with is my crazy neighbor.

She has what I can best describe as "little fits" all the time. She loves Elvis and constantly plays his music. "Blue Christmas" is a particular favorite. One Saturday she played it for six hours straight.

She moved in some time this fall. At first I thought I had a neighbor who liked horror movies because of the blood curdling screams I heard coming from her apartment. As it continued, I thought she may be in an abusive relationship or something terrible because of the screaming. However, it all became clear on New Year's Eve of this year. I spent a low key evening with a small group of friends in town and returned home shortly after midnight. Upon my arrival she was outside jumping up and down with a party hat on just screaming and yelling. She was all alone...and sober.

As it turns out "Crazy Mary", as I like to call her (I have no idea what her name is) is crazy. All that yelling, screaming, jamming to Elvis and occasional wall-pounding is just her doing her thing. A month or so ago she had a mental breakdown on a Thursday night and started beating on the walls and playing her music so loud walls were shaking. Our other neighbors reported that she was sitting in her living room alone (she has plastic furniture - cheap front porch furniture if you get my drift) rocking back and forth.


Since then, I come home at night expecting Crazy Mary to jump out of the bushes or to find she has set our whole little block area on fire. I talked to my next door neighbor the other day who said she is "touched in the head." Glad someone confirmed it...I guess.

Today I walked by Crazy Mary's front window to find she has two Care Bears positioned in the picture window for all to see. She has also written what I believe is her name in black Sharpie the  brass mailbox that hangs next to her front door. Out of fear she would jump out when she saw me staring in her window and at mailbox, I high-tailed it out too quickly to read the name. It was hard to read anyway...I failed to mention it looked like a six year old wrote it.

And people say GR is boring.