Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Crazy Mary" back in action

Since some of you are fans of the "Crazy Mary" updates I have a few tidbits to share:

First and foremost, Sunday night around 11:30 PM she was blowing what sounded like a plastic whistle. This went on for about a half an hour. There was some yelling intertwined with the whistle-blowing. It was special as you can imagine...I mean, why wouldn't I want to listen to that on a Sunday night in preparation for a work week rather than, say, sleep?

So I wake up Monday morning for work after finally falling asleep despite the whistling, enter the bathroom and hear her screaming and yelling downstairs....I arrive home around 5:30, enter the bathroom and hear her screaming. I go out for the evening and arrive back around 11 pm. Head to the bathroom to wash my face and what do I hear? More screaming/yelling!

Crazy Mary clearly: A.) Does not sleep, B.) Does not have a job, C.) Must have a sore throat from yelling/screaming, D.) all of the above. So I am wondering if she just screamed/yelled for like 18 hours straight? She yells words but they make no sense...maybe she's possessed by the devil like Marlena was on Days of Our Lives?

 Great, if my building burns down I am going to be really angry....

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