Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Redefining "single"

Tonight I attended a social gathering of women aging in range from early 20s to late 40s. Looking around the table, I realized that while I was (for once) not the only unmarried woman there, I was (as usual) the only "single" woman there. At my "advanced" age that just won't do so I have opted to redefine "single."

From here on out, I declare "single" means someone who is not married, not engaged and not cohabitating. Therefore, if you are in a relationship but not cohabitating you are (in my warped sense of reality) "single." This is really just out of know, so I am not the only "single" person at such gatherings.

Once I redefined "single" in my (warped) mind, I was one of four "single" women attending this event and suddenly felt much more at ease. That is, until the brag books started circulating. Even one of the other "singles" had a brag book, despite the fact that she doesn't have children of her own.

Once again I was totally outnumbered.

And there was no way for me to redefine that in my head.

1 comment:

  1. I might be defined as not single by your standards, but I go by what you fill out on your taxes myself. Either way I do not have a brag book, what would I even put in it? Who's gonna want to see a whole book of Todd?
