Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My give a damn's busted

Pine Rest is the local "loony bin" (it's a "Christian" loony bin but a loony bin nonetheless). I've referenced it before. I am in desperate need of some time away from work and well, I don't want to use vacation time for my escape....maybe "medical leave" (meaning "mental health leave") would be the way to go? OK, probably not.  But a girl can daydream.

It's sort of like Monday morning....I (once again) happily visited the dentist to get a crown on a tooth because I knew I would spend at least one hour doped up on nitrous. It was a nice escape. Of course afterward my mouth was sore and I was really crabby. Had the dentist allowed me to take the nitrous tank with me to work I am sure I would have been a total ray of sunshine at the office!

Speaking of escapes, I've been working on channeling my negative energy in to running. Today I was especially "hyper-sensitive" (in the words of a co-worker) so I thought a nice three mile run would help improve my mood. It did. Until about two miles in to my run.

That's when a big fat man who looked like Jabba the Hut drove by in a tow truck. He slowed down and yelled, "Hey Chubby, run a little faster."


Hey, Jabba - I bet you can't run two blocks! The sheer force of you running may result in an earthquake that may result in a tsunami that could travel across Lake Michigan and destroy Chicago!

I know I am an asshole - but at least I don't yell at random people (unless they don't shovel their sidewalks in the winter but then they totally deserve it). OK, at least I don't yell at random, unsuspecting people who have done nothing to warrant being yelled at!

I just flipped him off. And guess what? He flipped me off back, as though I initiated the insults or something.  Asshole.

Thankfully, he drove faster than I ran (though I don't know how that truck even made it up the hill with the sheer force of gravity caused by Jabba the Hut's presence in the vehicle) and I continued on my (not so) merry way.

I suppose my tolerance for stupidity and general asshole-ery is at an all-time low. As JoDee Messina said, "my give a damn's busted."

In good news, it appears the crime spree on my block has come to an end. With the way I am feeling these days, I have to say I would pity the fool who dare break in to my home while I am here. The wrath of Jen, even without a gun (because no, I did not buy one), is something to be feared!

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